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This Week in Family Law Newsletter

Issue 24-41 - October 28, 2024

Hey — Wouldn't that Deck Chair Look Better Over Here?

[Our apologies for an initial rant. Our family justice system is supposed to serve and protect the best interests of children. We have no doubt that everyone involved in the system — judges, lawyers, court staff, etc. — are doing their very best to make the system work within the financial constraints being imposed on them. But the family justice system can only be neglected and starved for so long before, despite the best efforts of those involved, it collapses under its own weight.]

K.K. v. M.M. (2024), 98 R.F.L. (8th) 391 (Ont. S.C.J.) — Petersen J.

To read the full newsletter of Franks & Zalev - This Week in Family Law (Issue 24-41) click here.